Ever since watching Robin Hood with Errol Flynn I was interested in archery. As a boy in scouting, camp was always filled with a little time on the archery range every day. Later I bought a compund bow and had some limited experience shooting it and hunting a couple of times.
Early in 2001 I discovered a website devoted to traditional archery and bow making. Intruigued by the idea of making my own bow, I completed an ash bow from a board. Later I attempted on a couple of occasions to create a laminated, all wood bow but had little success.
With the addition of two baby boys, the bow building stopped for an extended period. I am now able to spend more time on this hobby and hope to achieve some level of skill in making fiberglass bows.
Ultimately I want to make a bow(s), my own arrows and hunt turkey with the weapons I have created. Oh ya.... and have fun.
Had a big surprise yesterday. My black glass arrived from Kenny McKenzie over at Kenny's Custom Archery. Man that dude is fast! Talk about customer service. I better hurry up and get some Smooth-on and grind those tip wedges!
Here's what I got so far. I know my bench is a mess. But I clean it like every week!
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