Tuesday, July 21, 2009

In the begining...

I originally intended to start this blog in the winter of '09 to follow the progression of my first attempt at a laminated bamboo bow or tri-lam. This particular bow had been sitting in the garage for, oh.... three or four years, orphaned to a shelf at which I would occasionally peek at and say, "one of these days."

Long story short; I picked up the bow again after removing a lamination that had been damaged in a tillering error and tried again. I thought that I was actually going to get a shootable bow but alas, during a pull on the string during tiller "CRACK!" You can see the damage here on the back.

While I was dissapointed, I wasn't real surprised. Heck the conditions in the garage, ranging from 20 degrees to close to a hundred with humidity levels at times through the roof, over the course of a few years probably didn't help much.

What I really wanted to make was a nice fiberglass bow, but the whole idea was (is) somewhat intimidating to a novice. Over the course of the next few months I started looking at build-alongs on the net and soaking up as much info as I could. I already had a set of plans from Binghams Archery for a takedown recurve (absent the process for actually making the thing) so Ithought I'd go that route.

Starting here I'll post my progress on making this bow and the problems encountered. This is all a learning experience so technically, the more mistakes I make, the more I learn.... at least that's what I'm telling myself to justify any mistakes.

So sit back, relax and let the show begin. If nothing else you might get a laugh out of it.

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